Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Jake just finished the new issue of Busted which has some of my illustrations in it, hit him up if you want a copy before they are all gone. 
The second BUSTED zine is finished. Thanks to Jonas Michilot, Chas Truslow, Tanner Pendleton, Desiree Melancon, and Paul Heran for contributing photos, drawings and words. This time I found some abandon notecards in my basement and "free" notepads from the UMD print shop to print on. Each zine was individually bound by wire. This time I printed at home and used up every bit of ink the printer could spit causing some happy accidents. If you're in MN and want a copy try to run into me, and i'll also have some when riding at various resorts. If you're out of state send me an e-mail ( ) with your name and address and I can mail a copy out. Thanks again for everyone who is down. If you didn't get a copy of the first BUSTED // FALL 2012 click HERE to view.