Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Think Thank's "Mind The Video Man" Trailer

Think Thank has always been a master of the trailer, they are always the first ones to let people see it and leak the perfect amount of hammers to get you excited for their video. This year is no different and with the addition of new riders like CURTIS WOODMAN! , Ryan Paul, Nial Romanek,Brandon Hammid, Kyle Lopiccolo, Brandon Reis, and Jaeger Bailey you know the video is going to be amazing. You know that Stevens and the rest of the OG crew are going to have some really sick footage but I’m almost more hyped to see the new guys stuff. I’m really excited to see what Nial, RP, and Reis bring to the line up, their parts are sure to blow people away. Also how can’t you be hyped to see new Curtis Woodman footage?

Dinosaurs Will Die Welcomes Ben Bogart

I have always thought that Bogart was an under rated rider so when I saw that DWD made the move to make him pro I was hyped. Then they through in a little footy leak like most skate companies do when they turn someone pro and to say the least his footage is looking on point. I can’t wait to see his part in the Dinosaurs Will Die video this fall.

Team Vacation: Jed Takes An East Coast Vacation

Jed has one of my favorite styles in snowboarding, all his tricks look pretty damn near perfect and he is always riding fast. On top of that there are a bunch of clips of some of the up and coming riders in the east (i.e.Mike Rav, Johnny OC, Cole St. Martin, Matty B and Brendon Rego) riding at some of the best parks on the east. Overall it’s an awesome edit!

When Ed and I were filming my video picks I said that Jed Anderson was one of my favorite “rail riders” which led to us to talking about who the 3
best rail riders are of all time, which is in no way an easy question to
answer. At first I started thinking of all the video parts that I saw this
year that were predominantly rails that I thought killed it. Thinking from
video to video I came up with way too many names, it felt like almost
everyone can do everything you can think of and with awesome style. By the time I was I had a huge list and then I remembered something Ed had said to me about how you have to take into consideration the people who came before who had no idea what was really possible on a snowboard. So then I started thinking about videos I saw when I first started riding and what riders stood out to me in my memory. Like anyone else all the classic riders started popping into my head, Jeremy Jones, JP Walker, Mikey LeBlanc, MFM, Jeff Anderson, Ricky Tucker ect. After I had edited down my list a few times I was able to come up with three riders who I think innovated rail riding in their own unique way making them my three favorites.

1) JP Walker: I know that in my interview I kind of bash on JP and his
“spirit fingers” but after I rewatched his True Life, Resistance, Technical
Difficulties, Shakedown and That parts I realized I was being a chicken
head haha. JP is the Don, end of story.

2) Louif Paradis: Every year Louif brings something new to the table, from
his back 270 to fakie, cab 3 nose press, his rail transfer and now the
crazy stuff in his Real Snow part it seems impossible to not have him on
this list.

3) Forest Bailey: If you have not seen his part in “One” then you don’t
know what you are missing out on. Some people hate on his style but I
really like it and he has some of the most lifted presses I have ever seen.
Match that with his consistency, technical tricks and unique approach to
snowboarding I’m sure he will be on everyone’s lists in years to come.