Monday, August 17, 2009

"Recession Proof" I Heart Snow Productions Review

I had seen an I Heart Snow video a few years back and was not very impressed with it. This year however I saw multiple teasers for Recession Proof all over the internet and felt it was time I gave the small production crew another try. After watching the teaser and seeing the riders list I was hoping that the video would actually turn out to be pretty good.

Intro- The intro was way to long for my liking. At first it starts out pretty cool with some clips of MSNBC and other news networks talking about the poor economy. After the second clip I was expecting it to kick into some sick riding shots and really get me pumped to see some hardcore East Coast snowboarding, sadly it never did this. Instead it was a rambling 5 min and 44 second intro filled with absolutely nothing and set to terrible music. Personally I don’t want to see almost 6 minutes of b-footy and boring time lapses set to some punk pop music I would expect to find on this girls myspace. The intro pretty much set the tone for what the rest of Recession Proof would be like.

Mike Ravelson- There is no doubting that Mike Rav is a very very good snowboarder. He gets some solid tricks on the Battle Field Rail in Quebec. His style is flawless and I really can’t wait to see more from this kid.

Brendon Rego- Another kid on the rise from the East with some very good rail maneuvers. He has a sick half cab 5-0 on the Battle Field Rail and a sick half cab back three out on another handrail. I would have liked to seen more serious shots of him and not so many tripods.

Montage 1- Chris Beresford (just a bunch of pre-season and end of the year resort footy), Wes Walsh (if you don’t know who he is get ready for him because he has amazing style, so stoked on him.), Ian Post (he made the movie), Nick Julius (only contest shots but kid has good style for sure)

Luke Haddock- Kid definitely has some moves in the park. When he takes them all to the streets peoples heads will be turning for sure.

Torrey Lyons- Probably my second favorite rider in the entire movie. I was bummed his part was so short because he had a proper press and his jumping shots were proper. He needs a full part next year with someone on the East in my opinion. (Found an old part of his, damn so sick)

Sawyer Deen- Another Vermonter who has some sick tricks in the park but just needs to take them to the streets. I knew that Sawyer could slay rails but his one jump shot was amazing, back five rocket was soo sick.

Brandon Honeycutt/ Jay Giannunzio- Both have great tricks and you can tell that they are both down to ride any where regardless of how windy or icy it is. But they both have something about them that I just don’t like, I don’t know if it’s there styles or what but all there shots just didn’t get me too stoked on there riding.

Steve Lauder- Steve is an amazing rider both in and out of the park. His style is so smooth and sleepy like it is hard not to tell if he is even trying. He has so many amazing urban shot but his switch front board pretzel is the one that really sticks out most in my mind.

Jesse Curran- Jesse is another Vermonter who kills anything in front of him. His part is pretty good but I was surprised to see so many shots from a video part of his from the 06-07 season. I think Jesse's old part speaks volumes about what an amazing rider he really is.

Montage 2- Eugene Stancato (some good park riding from some true Mass Scum), TJ James (good tricks, odd style) Will Mayo (some sick tricks, kid needs a full part) Ben Sullo (seems to have sick style, I don’t think he landed the double cork in his part but still to go for a double cork at Stowe the iciest place on Earth is ballsy) Sean Guyer (some descent moves) Jordan Parks (only one shot but still has more style than any girl I have ever seen ride) Laura Rogoski ( she is killing it and has some moves that are better than most girls)

Shaun Murphy- Really good would not begin to explain how good Shaun Murphy is. I honestly thing he could do any trick on any rail. He has so much style and board control it is ridiculous and on top of all that he can jump too.

Ian Keay- I love Ian’s style, it is so flawless and relaxed. Also his trick selection is so different from everyone else in Recession Proof, a perfect example of how one trick can look better than a spin on, switch up, spin out combo move. His jump shots are all really sick to, his mini part is one of the best parts in the entire video. I hope he has a full part sometime in the near future.

Benji Farrow- The kid charges some big jumps but has whack style so I really had a hard time watching most of his tricks. He does a few nice spins but when I saw him do a front three indy off a rail I was kinda over his part.

Zack Wilmot- only has a few clips but he has such good style, his Buck 90 part will be
way better hands down.

Brandon and Ryan Griffin- Brandon had some really good shots and surprised me with a few of his tricks. Ryan only had one shot but it was pretty sick and good style too.

Yale Cousino- I was disappointed with Yale’s part not by the riding, which was really good, but more by the fact that it was all filmed at contests. I wish there had been some urban stuff too because his footy was pretty solid for all contest shots. Overall though Yale is a very good rider who can kill almost any feature that is put in front of him.

Riley Nickerson/Forrest Bailey- Both riders can obviously slay any rail, but this part really doesn’t do them justice. All of Forrest’s shots are from two contests and it would have been nice to see some footy of him that I already hadn’t seen online. Riley’s part was pretty good but the ender was kind of weak. I wanted to see him front board the whole thing, not do front board then just go back to 50-50. I think he had much better tricks in his part which would have been a better ender but regardless the kid killed the Battle Field Rail.

Overall the riding is really good in Recession Proof but I can’t recommend the video for a few reasons.
1) It has way too many riders none of which really have a full part.
2) The music is so bad that it takes away a lot from the riding. It’s either some horrible myspace band or a bad rap song off a mixtape.
3) Normally I don’t care about the quality of the filming in a movie but the colors in this were so bad. I don’t know the technical term for them but the colors were just so un-life like it was painful to watch and the snow was often to bright.

At least there were no dolly shots and distracting effects through out the movie, that just would have been unbearable.

Final Verdict